Unconventional War

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Easy Money

Easy Money

As hard as it may be to accept, a significant minority in this country genuinely believe the government can endlessly create money out of thin air to pay for giveaway programs without consequence. Why else would presidential candidate Kamala Harris propose another...

The Democratic Cult

The Democratic Cult

Political party conventions are renowned for their share of sophomoric tomfoolery and rank partisanship. This last convention was much more akin to a well-defended bunker where, upon entering, you were required to exchange your freedoms and self-interest in much the...

Layaway Country

Layaway Country

I'm looking at my county's proposed property tax increase of 11% in the anticipated 2025 fiscal budget. That's on top of last year's 7% and the previous year's increases, which always exceeds the inflation rate. Government workers at all levels, by and large, are...

Top Conservative Blog


Allan J. Feifer shares his thoughts and analysis on a variety of conservative topics utilizing his background in international business, warfighting, and analysis.  Allan’s history includes a generalist view of our country and the world, first-person discussions with national and regional leaders, and working and serving in conflict zones, giving him a unique insight into local and world events.  Listen to Allan as a guest commentator on national and regional radio and subscribe to his “thinking man’s” blog on 1Plus1Equals2.com each week.  Allan is a frequent contributor to American Thinker.

Our Mission

Unconventional War’s Mission is to disseminate the truth, bring like-minded people together, and ensure that people know they are not alone and that there is hope for saving our great nation from financial and economic ruin.


Through this site and my book we
are here to….


It’s time to wake up and take action.


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Unconventional War

From the attackers point of view, conducting war against another nation and their not knowing it is the ultimate strategy. “Unconventional War” for the first time lays bare the truth that America’s enemies seek its destruction and have been working to that end for longer than many of us have been alive. Our system of Leadership and Education have worked in lock step against the good and honorable aims of our incredible country. To what ends you may ask? Like Neville Chamberlain with his famous “Peace in our time” quote or President Obama’s “You did not build that” words matter, especially false ones designed to sometimes put you to sleep or simply to depress a nation into believing that fighting back is futile.

The Author

I have been privileged to have lived at the moment of transition between the old America and the new. Without that perspective, it would be easy to believe the popular line carefully crafted by focus group politics and journalists. Our moniker, 1Plus1Equals2 is designed to keep reminding us constantly that there is only one truth and not the false truths that support the great lie.

The Book

Writing “Unconventional War” helped me to focus my thoughts. The more I learned, the more I understood all of us are in for the fight of our lives. And, most importantly…America’s worth saving!


Invite me to speak to your group. I’m not a motivational speaker. I talk about what Patriotism means in practice. Including the inevitable sacrifices along the way. Only through reaching out and helping everyone to reach their own understanding, can we move forward together with confidence.

Amazing Book

Couldn’t put it down

A Must Read

Amazing from start to finish


Thought provoking

allan J. Feifer

Outspoken Patriot | Lifelong Conservative
Author & Speaker

Read Allan’s take as published on American Thinker. “Click Here.”


We Need A Great Reset In Our Dealings With China

It is fitting that as President Trump was reinaugurated, elites opposed to him met in Davos, Switzerland, under the auspices of the World Economic Forum (WEF). None other than then Prince Charles (now King), one of the architects of WEF spelled out a pan-world …

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In asymmetrical warfare, hostage-taking can be a superpower

As the first three hostages released by Hamas parade across our TV screens, accompanied by shots of Hamas fighters enjoying a victory lap, what are we to think and believe? Whatever your next thought, when it comes to hostages, it is likely incorrect. 

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Trump should end government unions

In losing our core American ethos, our end appears much closer than our commencement. It’s not preordained, though. We still have a chance to reverse our slide through the application of will sufficient to overcome both bureaucratic inertia and the Deep State’s tendency to fight change that threatens its existence. 

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