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The story from every sane American’s lips is one of being fooled. Joe Biden may be worse today, but he was not in tip-top shape before his inauguration. Too many people in his orbit knew it and did not care, but access to the Office of the Presidency was the be-all and the end-all they had to achieve. Now we are in crisis, all of us.

Biden’s Debate and Press Conference: Notes or Nerves?

After Biden’s dismal performance in the debates and a lackluster one-hour press conference where, at times, it appeared as if Biden read from notes or had some mental aids, the question in my mind that keeps sounding like an unanswered klaxon is why no investigative journalists had revealed Biden’s infirmness earlier. Evidence of a coverup is everywhere, as Biden is the least accessible President in modern times, with his last press conference in 2023. Biden is America’s first President who essentially ran a campaign from a basement with few in-person events and has since run the country part-time, as is now evident due to health and mental acuity issues. Where’s the transparency for an administration that claims to be the most transparent? Keeping Biden out of view and on script has been the plan all along; we just didn’t know it.

Did you see the clip of Jill Biden walking President Biden off the stage after the debates? Have you noticed she’s seldom far away when he has public events? The question everyone in my circle has been asking almost since Biden took the oath of office is: who is really running the country? Sometimes, the correct answer is right in front of our faces, but yet so incredibly difficult to believe that it is hidden in plain sight. And yet, it’s happened before!

From October 2, 1919, and for months afterward, First Lady Edith Wilson unofficially ran the U.S. government following her husband’s (then President Woodrow Wilson’s) life-changing stroke.

Wilson’s wife effectively took over most of the President’s official duties. By 1920, his mental health had deteriorated, and he exhibited a diminished memory, allowing the First Lady to continue as an unofficial “acting president,” which she termed “stewardship.” The situation was unique in American history; other advisors allowed for this deception, and it was kept secret from the American public until two years after his term ended.


In the Shadows of Power: Investigating Who Runs the Country:-

In attempting to understand who is running the country, we can only list possible individuals, as the same secrecy that occurred in the Wilson administration is displayed in the Biden administration. Here’s a list of possible individuals, alone or in concert with others, that have been fingered in the past as suspects:

  • The Dr. Jill mentioned above.
  • Hunter Biden. News reports reveal that Hunter is essentially living with Jill and Joe. He attends meetings with the President (as does Jill). With the President’s violent temper, it is easy to believe that no one is going to point out the impropriety of a convicted felon and known prevaricator helping a feeble President make national policy. At best, it gives me an icky feeling. Hunter and Jill are protecting the family legacy and their own rice bowl! There has not been a full cabinet meeting in over nine months! Why?
  • Valerie Jared is deeply intertwined with the Obamas and Bidens and was part of his Transition Team. This revealing quote demonstrates how involved Jared is:
    “President-elect Biden has been very clear about wanting to rejoin the Paris climate accord, where Canada and so many other countries have been a part of it, and we pulled out four years ago. Making sure that we rejoin the World Health Organization so that we can be a part of the solution, the international solution, to tackle not only COVID-19, but whatever else comes along. Making sure that the Dreamers have certainty — they’ve been in limbo for four years in our country, and he wants to put an end to that. Tackling COVID-19, getting our economy going again,” Jared is no well-wisher; she’s giving directions.
  • Jeff Zients has been Biden’s Chief of Staff (COS) since February 2023. Traditionally, the COS position is the most powerful in any President’s administration, controlling access to the President and setting agendas and other duties at the direction of the President. However, in the current situation, the position of COS could become problematic, with Zient’s being able to shield an inattentive president or one who cannot remember names, facts, and timelines. In a more malevolent view, the COS could become the shadow President. We just don’t know. Zients’ background hints at a consultative approach to everything that leads to consensus decision-making. Perhaps they don’t need President Biden to carry out daily decision-making.
  • The Biden family, all with fat bank accounts, nieces, brothers, or Joe Biden himself, are all engaged in ensuring the family business survives his Presidency. It is essential to note that virtually the entire Biden family has been accused of benefiting from influence-pedaling with Joe Biden at its apex. The family needs Biden to stay in office; he is the product they trade-in.
  • The Unknowns.  Obama and Pelosi are widely believed to be likely puppet masters, but I am not convinced they have the power to oppose the entire Biden family. Dozens of individuals with broad access to the White House meet and communicate regularly with top staff members. We know Biden’s propensity to use non-official communication means to avoid full disclosure to the public. We just don’t know who has the President’s ear.


Countdown to Resolution:-

Revelations and Defections happen almost hourly. My sense is that the center will not hold, and there will be a “resolution “ before the end of the month. The leaks are becoming a flood of always bad news. From the Post:

  • The planned Camp David stop comes after White House aides revealed Biden has difficulty functioning outside of a six-hour window between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Biden is prone to absent-minded gaffes and fatigue outside those hours or while traveling abroad, White House aides told Axios in a bizarre attempt to spin his disastrous debate performance.
  • Nine editorial boards, including, among others, the New York Times and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, have called for Biden to drop out of the race days after his debate appearance.
  • Leading Democrats, including former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have publicly circled the wagons while privately panicking over Biden’s “abysmal” debate performance.

Typically, one bad debate performance has not moved the needle much, but this one has as more and more realize Biden’s been intentionally hidden from view. An immediate change is what is likely to become a death watch looking for every possible indication of dementia by the President by the media. This will dimmish Democratic campaign messaging against an obviously more vigorous Trump, especially as his legal matters seem to be fading.

We are in uncharted waters, friends. The last few weeks pulled a bandage off a wound that had festered for a long time. All the President’s men won’t be able to put the genie back in the bottle.

Hold on to your hats; the road to November will be bumpy. George Clooney says so!

God Bless America.

Allan J. Feifer—Patriot

Author, Businessman, Thinker, and Strategist. Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at www.1plus1equals2.com

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