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It’s the middle of the night as I write this, and I’m deeply troubled by Trump’s conviction. Why? Perhaps I’m hyper-partisan, perhaps not. I know I’ll never forget where I was when I heard about his conviction and instantly knowing that I’d remember this moment forever, like when I first heard about 9-11, Neil Armstrong walking on the moon, President Kennedy assassinated, and when the Soviet Union breathed its last, all moments in time when the clock stood still. The world was never quite the same afterward.

For my friends who either believe that what happened to Trump was not of that magnitude or that the rule of law is not yet totally corrupted because Trump is likely to prevail on appeal, they miss the point. Anarchy at this level is outside of my experience and likely that of millions of others who may never really liked Trump but, like pornography, they know injustice when they see it; Trump’s conviction is a metaphor for pornography. I have watched a man, a man who does not need us, but we need him, drug through the streets of New York in an almost medieval manner. All that was missing was either tar and feathering him by seething spectators and cries of “hang him.”


Speculation Rises – Trial Twists:-


Trump was heard the day before acknowledging that he would likely be found guilty. My wife thought a hung jury was likely. Still, like Trump, I expected a conviction, given the judge’s conduct during the trial and the legally weird instruction given to a jury that we can assume reflected Manhattan at large, 85% Democratic. What is it about NYC that’s got it in for Trump so bad that you can actually run for office with the singular pledge that you will put him in jail, and no one bats an eye? That’s what a rouges gallery of politicians or political appointees espouse, including the New York Attorney General, Manhattan District Attorney, and the U.S. Justice Department’s number three who resigned and stepped down to prosecute Trump in New York.

All of us bear stark witness to something never before seen in American political life — the successful use of lawfare in an attempt to nullify a political enemy. How else can you explain the wantonness of New York’s attempt to silence its conservative enemies? With the Trump conviction overshadowing a landmark decision at the Supreme Court earlier that day:

“The Supreme Court on Thursday reinstated a lawsuit by the National Rifle Association, alleging that a New York official violated the group’s First Amendment rights when she urged banks and insurance companies not to do business with it in the wake of the 2018 shooting at a Florida high school. In a unanimous decision by Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the justices agreed that the NRA had made out a case that Maria Vullo, then the head of New York’s Department of Financial Services, had gone too far in her efforts to get companies and banks to cut ties with the NRA, crossing over the line from efforts to persuade the companies and banks – which would be permitted – to attempts to coerce them, which are not.”

As wrong as this quote sounds, the reality is even worse, with Vullo offering to let New York corporations slide on possible violations of NY law in exchange for joining her in pillorying the NRA. The case against the NRA was brought on by a lawsuit filed in 2020 by Guess Who? New York Attorney General Letitia James who accused LaPierre and other current and former executives of flouting state laws and internal policies to enrich themselves. James makes no bones about it; she went after the NRA for its position on guns and not for the stated reason. James tried and failed to break up the NRA in the first round and failed again. The NRA is moving its corporation to Texas in a move long overdue.

The case for whether Trump could get a fair trial in Manhattan has been answered. New York’s legal and governance system has sunk to the level of junk bonds, as does its reputation, which may never recover. The rule of law is the one expectation Americans understand and believe separates us from countries that make it up as they go. America’s standing in the world has been diminished, and New York is now a third-world country.


From Free Man to Legal Limbo – Trump’s Campaigning Conundrum:-


So, you may ask where we go from here. We are in uncharted territory for sure. Trump will likely go on campaigning, but with what restrictions, we don’t know. Trump’s status as a free man is now gone, at least for the moment. Judge Merchan now owns Donald Trump. Even while under appeal, he does not have the rights of a free man. He cannot vote, for instance. His movements and his speech are subject to review. He has to show up for court, various court-mandated evaluations, and more.  Trump, at this moment, is a ward of Merchan. I can’t begin to wrap my mind around this singular reality.

Do we think the Democratic leadership of New York is huddling right now to determine how best to turn this conviction (at least for now) to their advantage? You betcha! They know they have a tiger by the tail, and Trump is only wounded, not vanquished.

This is where all of you come in. Up to now, the Dems warfare strategy has not gone as planned. Over the next two weeks, polls will come out that will give us a better read on how being tarred as a felon will play out with likely voters. Be prepared for some potential surprises. The Dems may triangulate again depending on what these polls reveal; we’ll see.

One final thought. Perhaps dems knew from the start that Trump would prevail on appeal. That the entire purpose of this kangaroo court was to waste his time and diminish him with the electorate by being able to say President Trump—felon. If so, I hope they are wrong. I hope we’ll discover that Americans of all persuasions see this for what it is and come to his aid.

For the first time, we can see how a corrupt system can violate our rights with impunity. If they can get Trump, you’re fair game, too. The level of outrage by ordinary Americans will determine more than just the next President.

God Bless America and help us all survive this travesty.

Allan J. Feifer—Patriot

Author, Businessman, Thinker, and Strategist. Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at www.1plus1equals2.com

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