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You are home among friends when you hear a very annoyed rattlesnake. You have a shovel in your hands; what do you do? Do you hit its tail hoping it will scare it off, run away, or sever its head and end the threat? The simple answer, in this case, is what Israel did to Hezbollah the other day. With apologies to those who value a rattlesnake’s life over that of human beings, only fools would want to live around a rattlesnake; eventually, something terrible but utterly avoidable happens.


War or Peace? Netanyahu’s Tough Decisions in Crisis:-


Netanyahu Sophie’s Choice in how to prosecute a war with an enemy that sees every Jew in Israel and around the world as a target marked for death and does not seek peace or even coexistence. Whether it is Iran going after Trump or Salman Rushdie, who has lived with an Iranian fatwah leveled against him for the past 36 years, along with multiple attempts to assassinate him, Iran is that snake.

“A Sophie’s Choice is an impossible decision where no outcome is preferable over the other, often involving choosing between two equally undesirable options.”

Hezbollah formed in 1982 as an organization with the support of 1,500 Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) instructors from Iran, ostensibly as a reaction to Israel’s invasion of southern Lebanon, itself a response to end Palestinian attacks from Lebanon, destroy the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in the country, and install a pro-Israel Maronite Christian government that was at peace with Israel and was the dominant population at that time in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah is a non-state puppet regime of Iran, recently receiving about a billion dollars a year from Iran directly. Hezbollah’s key goals stated in its founding manifesto are:

“The destruction of Israel, allegiance to Iran’s supreme leader, and the establishment of an Iran-influenced Islamist government, while emphasizing Lebanese self-determination.”

Since 1982, Hezbollah has been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Israeli, American, French, and Lebanese Christians, as well as thousands of ordinary Lebanese citizens, politicians, and members of Lebanon’s military.  Hezbollah maintains veto power over all aspects of Lebanon’s daily life.

While one of several Iranian proxies, Hezbollah is the most notable in terms of proximity and size of its military force, which can muster as many as 100,000 fighters and has the largest non-state arsenal of guided and unguided missiles that can thoroughly cover all of Israel. Notably, “Hezbollah did not disarm after the Israeli withdrawal from South Lebanon, in contravention of UN Security Council resolution 1701. From 2006, the group’s military strength grew significantly, with its paramilitary wing becoming more powerful than the Lebanese Army.” It is this bombardment threat that has kept upwards of 80,000 Israelis from returning to their homes since the October 7th massacre.

It is useless to discuss the current political and military situation in the region without also discussing America’s influence on these events and the pivotal role we play in prolonging the death and destruction by allowing Iran to believe its proxies are winning the public opinion war. And that by simply doing nothing, the U.S. will bring Israel to heal in due time. Iran’s strategy is even more gruesome in intent, reveling in the death of civilians and destroyed infrastructure, which they believe is their strongest weapon against Israel. Israel’s enemy’s basic thesis is they can win if only they defy any pressure to surrender and engage in a genuine cease-fire. As only the infidels could believe, Iran and its proxies will never allow a peaceful coexistence with the Little Satan any more than they would the Great Satan (us) that thinks diplomacy is superior to winning wars.


A Dangerous Focus: Biden/Harris’ Strategy Linked to Electoral Gains:-


Biden/Harris are the appeasers in chief, and thousands of deaths can and must be laid at their feet. They grieve for Hassan Nasrallah instead of patting Israel on the back and asking what else you need to finish the job since the U.S. strategy solely focuses on a Harris win, which requires Dearborn, Michigan’s votes. Cheers erupted all over the world, including Sunni Muslims who have suffered at the hands of Hezbollah. Taking in all the relevant news, you might not be crazy to believe that the U.S. is not on Israel’s side but actually secretly aligned with Iran. Biden/Harris still harbor a belief that they can snatch victory from defeat by making a nuclear deal with Iran; suckers are born every day. And that’s being charitable; the truth is likely much darker.

Israel is conducting a Master Class on how to win a war. It’s thrown off the shackles put on them by Biden/Harris. War always has at least three paths:

  • Strategic
  • Tactical
  • Diplomatic

You must be an imbecile if you believe you can restrain Iran, North Korea, Russia, or any number of demi-gods who daily kill innocent lives without shedding a tear through diplomacy. Diplomacy works when two parties want something they can compromise on. Iran wants Israel gone, wiped off the mat. Never once has their rhetoric spoken to anything else. Quite the contrary, Iran never strays far from its foundational belief:

Iran has been hostile to Israel since the 1979 revolution, and their consistent rhetoric has been that they believe that Israel is an illegitimate state and should be expelled from the region.

Unfortunately, Iran has deviously obscured the issue with their tactic of using proxies to do much of the fighting, subversion, and assassinations, all wrapped up in a corrupt religious theocracy that chafes their own people who are brutally repressed.  As usual, the international press supports messaging that would have you believe we can stop Iran from getting the bomb through diplomacy. Or, we can restrain Iran’s worst tendencies by creating a two-state solution. “Can’t we all get along?” Rodney King once said before he drowned in his pool due to alcohol and drugs. I guess the answer is we can’t.

Sometimes, people need to die. We know how politically incorrect that is, but can anyone seriously disagree in this case?

God bless America.

Allan J. Feifer—Patriot

Author, Businessman, Thinker, and Strategist. Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at www.1plus1equals2.com

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