Think of what the country just went through as government malpractice. America just survived a near-death experience under Biden. We’re thrilled the patient survived, but the scars and pain are still fresh and painful. There is lasting damage that cannot be undone. Should we be happy that we survived and move on, or is there a massive malpractice case to be made? To answer that question, I see two issues that must be addressed first:
- Was the patient damaged by negligence or mishap?
- Was the harm so egregious and likely to happen again that we have a public duty to pursue the offenders?
We’ve played someone else’s game for too long. We need a national dialogue to discuss a lack of accountability, its consequences, and how presidential intent is being subverted. Let’s start with how the ‘rule of law’ has been misused and why we can’t move forward without fixing the underlying issues.
The ‘Rule of Law‘ is supposed to be a fundamental principle that ensures all individuals, institutions, and government entities are subject to and accountable under the law. It is based on the premise that laws should be clear, public, stable, and applied evenly, protecting fundamental rights and freedoms. Today, it has also become a weapon (lawfare) that groups, individuals, and even elements of the government use offensively to work against the will and interests of The People.
The Search for Justice in the Complex Web of Lawfare:-
We must get to the bottom of this lawfare morass; books must be balanced. I can already hear those who have committed the greatest sins pleading they possessed no Mens Rea (guilty mind) as they did their destructive work. However, proof of their intent can be found in their coordination, records of communications, and even, in some cases, bank accounts. The guilt is out there to be proved. None of these miscreants in their wildest imagination thought Donald Trump would be elected as our 47th president; many are terrified they’ll be held to account.
Now that he has, I hear many who say, “Take the win” and move on. Or, the country is tired of all this bickering, and settling scores will backfire. My view does not comport with theirs. I believe we are on the cusp of uncovering a monumental attempted coup of our country by special interests, crooks, traitors, and the great and once all-powerful Deep State. All of us have viewed or read the news. This is the moment to go for broke, the hill to die on; this opportunity will never come again. We can come out on the other side clean, united, and with a fresh start.
‘Rule of Law’ must be more than a legal definition you read in Black’s Law Dictionary, where you’ll read the standard ‘Four Pillars of the Rule of Law’ that speaks to a ritualized view of a system of laws and its history. Lawfare is the antithesis of what the ‘Rule of Law’ is intended to be; it’s more like the television series “Suits,” where crossing the line is an everyday occurrence. America has a shadow government of non-elected individuals within and without that will scream ‘rule of law’ to you endlessly while they pick your pocket time and again. The two times Trump was impeached, the multiple attempts to put Trump in prison, and the progressive’s penchant for having friendly judges on speed dial are a corruption of the system and are the essence of lawfare. There may be no greater crime than using the law in a corrupt manner to destroy your opponents or to overthrow our country. We can’t let this pass, or it will happen again and again. We are compelled by the monstrousness of the crimes committed to not let this pass.
Rapid Fire – President Trump’s Executive Orders:-
Three weeks into President Trump’s presidency, you witness Executive Orders coming fast and furiously. What seems to generate the most interest and perhaps is at the heart of Trump’s plan to restore confidence in government is not just his cost-cutting measure but the disclosures of how the Deep State funded itself without Congressional oversight in secret and in opposition to the people’s will. Our lawful leaders were out of the loop on hundreds, perhaps thousands, of individual decisions that the bureaucracy appeared to make on their own. Clarice Feldman’s excellent synopsis recently goes into the details of the scheme.
There are two possibilities to explain what happened:
- Internal and external controls were either subverted or did not exist in the first place
- Individuals who would sign off on expenditures did so despite the law and Congressional Intentto fund NGOs, groups, and individuals who colluded, collectively defrauding the American people.
Whichever, the ‘rule of law’ was subverted.
Their entire scheme depended on secrecy; if information leaked, friendly judges would stall an inquest, further eroding the ‘rule of law.’ Sympathetic judges had attorneys on speed dial filing suits preemptively in select courts that blocked Trump nationally.
Trump vs. The System: A Struggle for Change:-
Does Trump have the power to bring about the changes he believes he was sent to Washington to make? At the federal level, the enemies of change in every department operate within a politicized court system, which is an immense challenge to Trump’s vision. Look at what happened when Trump tried to freeze spending when tens of billions of wasted dollars were about to go out the door. You would have thought that Trump was cutting off food to children. In a way, that’s precisely what was intended, but those children are NGOs, DEI contractors, the UN, and aid to countries that literally hate us and laugh at our stupidity. Just breaking is that USAID funded Soros leftist activists here in the U.S.!
President Trump must, unfortunately, run straight into his enemy’s most fortified defense: the law. He’s doing so with the knowledge that there is no other path to achieve his goals in the time available. If you ask Trump, he’ll tell you he has two years to save the country before the midterms, which might see us lose control of the House.
There are approximately 120,000 federal laws and statutes. Most are conflicting, duplicative, obsolete, or simply wrong. That’s fertile ground for some wanting to find a legal objection to President Trump’s actions to halt his will and that of 77 million people who voted for change. That’s wrong.
God bless America.
Allan J. Feifer—Patriot
Allan J. Feifer shares his thoughts and analysis on a variety of conservative topics utilizing his background in international business, warfighting, and analysis. Allan’s history includes a generalist view of our country and the world, first-person discussions with national and regional leaders, and working and serving in conflict zones, giving him a unique insight into local and world events. Listen to Allan as a guest commentator on national and regional radio and subscribe to his “thinking man’s” blog on each week. Allan is a frequent contributor to American Thinker.
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