The average human lives about 76 years, down a bit from the past primarily due to stupid choices, like too many people taking illicit drugs, engaging in dangerous behaviors, or even being a gangbanger; in essence, Walking Around While Stupid (DWS) contributes mightily to that decline. Seventy-six years sounds like a long time, but in the scheme of things, it’s a blink of an eye in the relatively short time our country has been around. We’re coming up on 250 years, and you wouldn’t be human if you didn’t wonder what we’ve learned in the intervening years. From all accounts, not much as history continually repeats itself!
I talk to many people, and I’m frequently astounded by how little we know and how much we ignore history to our detriment. One reason is simple: we want to believe the best concerning our fellow citizens, our history, and our place in the world; call it fat, dumb, and happy. School tends to hit the highlights of our history without much depth or connective tissue, sometimes giving us a satisfying aha moment and then just as promptly forgotten. Over time, this inability to understand history, think critically, and our tendency to take the path of least resistance come home to roost.
Reframing Predicates: A Clearer Look at Their Role:-
According to the dictionary, a predicate is “To base or establish (a statement or action, for example).” I find this somewhat unsatisfying and lacking clarity, so for our purposes, a predicate is a basis upon which we construct additional logical arguments assuming an underlying premise to be true. In other words, if your foundations are shot through with false or shaky assumptions, anything you base your beliefs and actions on will be similarly shaky, if not completely false.
Given that we live relatively short lives compared to the span of history that brings us to where we are, it’s amazing we’ve lasted this long, especially considering the not-so-subtle manipulation by sophisticated parties who don’t care a whit for what you want or is morally and intellectually true! The popular narrative of the progressives contains multiple fundamental untruths, and if you accept them, you likely believe our country is deeply flawed, if not completely failed. Ideas like:
- We’ve only recently become a divided people.
- Political violence is something new that must be tamped down to preserve our democracy.
- The recent (last thirty-plus years) direction the country has taken was inevitable.
- Ordinary people are incapable of taking care of themselves.
- There’s nothing wrong with mass immigration that forever changes the character and nature of our country.
One of the dirty little truths concerning our founding is how few colonists stood up to the British and either directly fought or supported the cause. Of the 2.5 million living in the 13 original colonies in 1776, far less than a majority supported the cause and engaged in actual resistance:
At the onset of the American Revolution, the loyalists remained supportive of the British monarchy and comprised 15-20% of the population. Patriots supported independence from Britain and far outnumbered the loyalists, comprising 40-45% of the population. The “Fence-sitters,” or those without a strong opinion, totaled 35-45% of the population.
Ten percent of our population left the colonies after the revolution, either returning to Great Britain, moving to Canada, or the Bahamas. Many more remained British loyalists and rooted against their fellow Americans in the United Kingdom’s last attempt to regain a geographic foothold in North America in the War of 1812. Americans have always been divided; it could well be our national sport. America has a history of a small number of us bringing the rest of us along through their actions. The doers made us exceptional; Harris seeks to homogenize us, knocking off the very best of our exceptional individuals; don’t be fooled.
Exploring Roots of Violence: Key Events in American History:-
History is replete with seminal moments in our history that refute the idea that we’ve only recently become violent. Look up the Whiskey Rebellion, the Bonus Army, and the violent and pervasive Nativist riots that took place. You can quickly discover that we’ve been divided all along! It is in our nature to be divided on many issues. Why? Individualism and a desire to be sovereign in one’s own castle and life are fundamental to how we came to be in the first place.
Historians will look back over the last 30-40 years and highlight how rapidly the Democratic party moved from its historical roots, dependencies, and beliefs into a neo-Marxist-dominated party composed of radical anti-Americans. From Bernie Sanders, an unabashed avowed Socialist who spent a great deal of time in the old Soviet Union, to the many members of the Democratic Socialists of America in office today reflect that truth.
DSA members Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib were elected to the United States House of Representatives[2], and DSA members were elected to over forty state and local offices.[3] In the 2020 elections, DSA members Jamaal Bowman and Cori Bush were elected to the House[4], and at least thirty-six DSA members won office, earning more than 3.1 million votes
Democratic Socialists are the visible point of the spear, and the government as a whole is shot through with sympathizers and supporters—their mission: To change America from within, away from its foundational beliefs to Marxism. They’re having a pretty good run at the moment.
As dangerous as the individual members of the DSA are, we should stay focused on their tactics and objectives. Kamala Harris, while not a member of the DSA, is a supporter. Read this BBC article that dissects the real Harris, exposing her to be as rabidly progressive as Bernie Sanders. The difference? Harris, like Obama, realizes that you can’t come out and say you’re a Marxist but instead tell everyone you’re a capitalist while, all the while, doing everything in your power to destroy it.
Nothing exemplifies the degree to which we’ve fallen more or prevents us from recognizing the enemy than the immigration debacle. Biden and Harris knew precisely what the effect of rescinding Trump’s Executive Orders would do to the border. The necessity of opening our doors to the world was never explained to the American people; I don’t expect it ever will, either. This election can change everything or cement progressive initiatives from now on. Which will it be?
God bless America.
Allan J. Feifer—Patriot
Author, Businessman, Thinker, and Strategist. Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at
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