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Not even Fox can cover every evil scheme the other side undertakes. Government at all levels was never designed to be flexible, compassionate, or efficient. The futility of “Fighting City Hall” is widely understood, along with a similar line we all laugh at but know to be true. Ronald Reagan’s famous

“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”

In good times and bad, we understood the limitations and foibles of government and even the excesses that go too far, too often. Every year, hundreds of government employees and politicians are arrested, indicted, and sometimes (too rarely) imprisoned for fraud and corruption. That’s what we call business as usual in the public service arena, notwithstanding the many dedicated public servants. Even as I write this, get ready for a long-overdue purge in the Big Apple. But something is changing in America; it’s not just the flood of replacement workers driven into our country by our leaders or the sanctuary cities, states, and counties; no, something much more profound is happening.


Job Competition or Collaboration? Navigating Challenges:-

The jobs report came out unexpectedly high in September at 254,000, making Harris and Biden beam like newly minted parents. Dig deeper, though, and the cracks expose themselves.

According to NPR, The foreign-born workforce has grown rapidly over the last year, adding 1.4 million workers, while the native-born workforce shrank by nearly 600,000 workers. Factories cut 7,000 jobs in September, although factory employment is still higher than it was just before the pandemic, by 137,000 jobs.  Most of September’s job cuts were in the auto industry.

According to the Labor Department, employment in government continued its upward trend in September (+31,000). Government hiring is responsible for an average monthly gain of 45,000 jobs over the last year. Over the month, employment continued to trend up in local government (+16,000) and state government (+13,000).

Over the last year, if you subtract government and healthcare hiring, you would have to assess hiring as moribund and, at best, flat. We all can’t be working for the government or in healthcare! Even more shocking is the loss of jobs for native-born Americans. Where is the 40-point type headline on that one?

The above figures do not represent healthy employment, with native-born Americans slowly disappearing. Those disappearing are our seedcorn, the inventors, the entrepreneurs, all those guys and ladies who showed up to work hard each day.

The big question is why? To understand, let’s return to our cattle chute theory for an answer and explain how profoundly it affects us all. Everything that transpires today in government, big business, progressive media, and myriad social service organizations operates on a single overriding principle: People are exactly like cattle. They can be herded in any direction you want; they want to survive against life’s predations and possess a herd mentality that can be exploited for nefarious purposes.

Government recognizes that if you push the right buttons in the right order, you can forget about the troublesome ten percent who won’t follow the herd and concentrate on controlling the 90% that are controllable. The herd, or if you prefer, the mob, will act predictably and often against their best interests (think of being led to the slaughterhouse) as long as you keep them docile, fed, and watered. They’ll gladly push through any chute you put in front of them because they are following the Judas in front of them. This is where we are today; there are too many cattle and sheep being led to the slaughter instead of humans standing on their two legs fighting for their families and daily bread as God intended. Tell me I’m wrong.


Progressives and the Challenge of Fundamental Change in Society:-

Government policies used to be the product of an open debate that resulted in more or less consistent changes over time. Progressives, nee Marxists deeply embedded in our political and administrative State, were unsuccessful in making the fundamental change in our way of life they desired. Progressives had fought an unsuccessful campaign leading to a massive realignment in our social and financial systems for 30 years until George W. Bush’s administration left office in 2009. The tactics they employed did not bear the fruit they intended. The long wait was over with the election of Barack Obama ushering in a new energy, a new dynamic that, from day one, intended to change everything exactly as he told you he would:

“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008

Missed completely or ignored by most as allegorical, Obama meant every word he said. This fact has been glossed over so much that we have dismissed his utterances as political Speech instead of the radical and revolutionary manifesto it summarized in those 13 words. What’s happened to us is no Blitzkrieg; many of us have seen what was coming, and we talk, talk, talk as the railcar takes us to the crematorium. Endless hand-wringing must end before it is too late if we are to avoid internecine fighting between our people. We must individually reject the trajectory the government has placed us on in favor of self-determination, truth, and adherence to the Founding Fathers principles, which eschewed an all-powerful national government that sees us all as potential Soylent Green if we don’t toe their line. Do not be fooled into thinking that you have rights. The government regularly violates those rights in the interest of the State, and the court system can no longer be counted on to protect us.

Free Speech and the power of disinformation are the two most important topics that should be on everyone’s lips these days. Free Speech is the counterbalance against the government deciding it can be Big Brother and act in a custodial manner, telling the people what truth is and sanctioning anyone who doesn’t acquiesce.

God bless America.

Allan J. Feifer—Patriot

Author, Businessman, Thinker, and Strategist. Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at www.1plus1equals2.com

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