Most everyone has heard the meme,
“He who controls the agenda controls the meeting.”
Acknowledging that we can understand ultimate power would be controlling the words and language everyone uses or finding themselves ostracized. No matter how false or crazy the narrative is, the ability to dictate the “Terms of Engagement” through the use and control of generally accepted language is perilous, resulting in the scales being tipped one way or another through overt manipulation.
Periodically, everyone should reread George Orwell’s 1984 as an essential marker of the dangers of an all-powerful State as each new generation forgets important lessons learned. 1984 is no longer required reading in most schools. You should ask yourself the question why? Even a cursory reading of 1984 would make many uncomfortable with the parallels to everyday life. A friend told me,
“They are afraid students would recognize they already live in Orwell’s world.”
Newspeak was the official language of Orwell’s Oceania, the stage upon which Orwell told his story. Newspeak turned our language upside down “to make all other modes of thought impossible” and “to make any thought of diverging from the principles of the government unthinkable.”
False and misleading language is Orwellian Doublespeak, allowing murderous thugs like Adolph Hitler (Example: “Evakuierung” (evacuation) used as a euphemism for death and deportation to concentration camps). This manipulation of language was a key part of their propaganda and control Stalin and others used to control the language of our lives and then…life itself. It allowed Obama and Biden to challenge our “la raison de notre existence” directly, the essential nature of personal freedom and responsibility attacking our language. Seizing control of language is not new! Confucius was asked what he would do if he were a governor, he said he would “rectify the names” to make words correspond to reality.
From Policy to Propaganda: When Social Media is State-Controlled:-
When our government removes social media posts that differ from government policy or suppresses speech by arbitrarily deeming it hate speech, we begin to look quite like Orwell’s fictional Oceania. But that’s just a start. All kinds of behavior are being restricted, manipulated, or banned. Just take a look at a small subset of intentionally manipulative words and metaphors here:
- Undocumented Migrants—are supposed to wash away in your mind their illegal beginnings to infer equality with legal citizens, devaluing the importance of and responsibilities of citizenship.
- Unhoused Person—homogenizes the causes of homelessness, which frequently are of the person’s own making, such as drug abuse, criminality, or other anti-societal behaviors to make it society’s failings, which in turn demands ever more control of you.
- Trans Woman—the normalization of deviancy instead of the truth of a mentally ill man
- Fair Share—is one of my favorites, as we can’t afford to subsidize the rich by allowing them to keep more of their money!
- Entitlements—another Democratic construct, as if God himself guarantees someone the right to your money
- Dreamers—take an illegal alien, give birth, or walk a child across the border, and voila, you produce a Dreamer!
- Fake News—life is like a TV; if you don’t like the show, change the channel.TV and life have merged into highly produced news curated for particular audiences; facts be damned.
- Death of Democracy—In his farewell Address, George Washingtoncautioned against the divisive influence of political parties, asserting that they could lead to the “Subversion of the power of the people.” We’re still standing, notwithstanding all those that parrot this tired lie.
The success the left can claim was the legerdemain of forcing individuals to kowtow to them, living in fear of falling into traps they set, including misgendered speech, “they/them” demands, and the endless other oratory demands that kept everyone confused and on edge.
A common thread runs through all attempts to control speech: defacto control of your freedom of choice. How patently absurd for someone else to insist you use their language, phrases, and false metaphors. The epitome of hubris is the assumption that what someone manifests out of thin air should become the law of the land, if not in fact, then in practice.
Is what is happening today a fad? Fads usually don’t last. Beatnicks come to mind, and so do various cults like the Manson Family, the People’s Temple, Heaven’s Gate, and the Branch Davidians, which garnered small but devoted followings; certainly not the mass hysteria that ripped us apart recently. While some charlatans took in a few people, reason prevailed for most. Proof of how manipulated and misinformed we have become is demonstrated in the following actual piece of history and then reimagined by progressives. This is an excellent example of how alternative realities are created:
Margaret Sanger. She was an advocate for women’s reproductive rights and the founder of Planned Parenthood. However, her legacy is marred by her support for eugenics. Sanger believed that birth control could be used to improve the genetic quality of the human population by preventing the birth of individuals she deemed “unfit.”
Yes, the euphemistically named “Planned Parenthood,” which has little to do with bringing life into the world, was founded on the idea of breeding out dysfunctional or less intelligent human beings. Sanger birthed the “Negro Project,” which aimed to provide strict birth control to African American communities; I bet you never knew that!
Language as Manipulation: How Words Can Twist Our View of Creation:-
The correct and proper usage of words and phrases is not trivial. In the wrong hands, and given enough time, you can make something as life-affirming as creating new life as something optional or even undesirable instead of the essential activity it is.
Trump implicitly agrees as he has commenced the Herculean task of undoing the massive societal and economic damage wrought. The harm done to our country by leftists is as complete as Gaza appears today, with hardly a traditional institution or individual left intact. The very nature of words and phrases is the sly and insidious way that progressives intentionally enacted the slow and progressive destruction of our culture and, tellingly, that of white culture everywhere.
Mark Twain once said,
“The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.”
Let me substitute:
“The reports of the death of Western culture are greatly exaggerated.”
I sure hope I’m right!
Author, Businessman, Thinker, and Strategist. Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at
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