
Will you help me Save our Republic before it’s too late?

My friend said, “This fight will take staying power; you can’t go it alone.”  Up to now, I’ve funded our website, research, travel, and public relations by myself. My articles, radio, and occasional appearances have reached hundreds of thousands. To be even more effective, the fight requires ever more of me, and I need your help.

I’ve never before sought to raise money for expanding my outreach, for travel to deliver my message of hope, or to continue to provide deeply researched articles that give context to the difficult and frequently depressing issues facing the still large number of believers in the American Dream.

Please consider contributing $9 a month or a one-time donation to support the continued delivery of words of hope and understanding and the building of a community of committed Americans who see the continued success of America as the world’s last best hope.  With your support, I can continue to fight to keep the American Dream and possibly expand ways to reach more people with my message.

A nation of principles, laws, and individual aspirations is one of the best examples of what God created, and only He can take it away.  Say “No” to those who want something dark, evil, and soulless to replace what Americans built.

Click on the link below and support the ideas embodied in  I need your help to keep the flame alive.  To acknowledge your generous support, here’s what I’m offering in-return…

1- An electronic copy of my “Unconventional War” Book
2- Special Articles – In-addition to Tuesday Article
3- 24/7 Urgent News deliver at first priority
4- American Thinkers Article Collection Program – What they should read & what’s trending in a packaged form
5- Access to Allan – 1 to 1 Talk  – All Questions will get Answered

“Thank You.”

I appreciate your support.

Allan J. Feifer
