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Donald Trump defied the odds again and survived an assassin’s intent. Devine Providence?

You don’t have to be a religious zealot to see America’s government as anti-God and incompatible with our Constitution and the spiritual needs and aspirations of its citizens. Authentic conservatives must believe in something greater than self because sacrifice is called for. Somewhere along the line, too many of us departed from our Judeo-Christian origins and became agnostic at best and non-believers at worst. We have gutted our country from everything we need to raise productive, patriotic, and God-fearing citizens, replaced with a state-sponsored belief in self over sacrifice and morality. Our nation and its people are slowly dying as a consequence of beliefs pushed by people who are clear-eyed nihilists bent on our destruction.


Analyzing Narrative Motivations:-


There are three questions you must ask yourself:

  1. How do those who push this narrative benefit?
  2. What is their alternative to a God-centered country?
  3. Is it too late to reverse course and return to our roots?

First, let’s highlight a few of the massive societal changes that have intentionally led us away from living in the light to a broadly shared yet false secular existence:

  • Banning School Prayer as somehow incompatible with the Constitution
  • Disincentivizing two-parent conventional families in favor of “diverse” lifestyles
  • The failure to teach reading, writing, and arithmetic in lower schools in favor of “soft” messaging that is frequently anti-God.  The failure to teach critical thinking in higher education allows for the erosion of essential morality.
  • Undermining traditional gender roles
  • Valuing diversity as superior to excellence and the individual
  • Promoting Restorative Justice over traditional and well-understood crime and punishment
  • Ignoring and destroying the importance of belonging to intact traditional social groups with shared memories, mores, and aspirations.
  • Destroying the importance of the individual creating drones that think alike and are reliably compliant
  • Automatic rejection of conservative traditions
  • Respect for authority of all kinds that shouts to anyone who will listen, “There is no authority except what I say it is.”
  • The destruction of hope and a better tomorrow
  • The rise of Moral Relativism absolute truth

Change is usually a gradual condition that responds to life’s normal ebb and flow. Even progressives will agree that everything started to accelerate in recent years. We are a nation of disruptors, always have been. Whether it was the war Between the States, the Boston Tea Party, women suffragettes, or the Free Love Movement, we are always trying new things as part of a healthy, vibrant society of free people. What happened in the last thirty years is different; there’s been a massive jump towards radical change. Most of us don’t understand why.

Let’s return to the three reasons this is happening now at this particular junction. The reasons why are neither organic nor natural nor good for us, let’s dispel any thought to the contrary.

Two groups benefit from a declining America slowly seeing its power diminish like blood bleeding from our veins:

  • Particular nation-states like China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran
  • Power seekers who literally hate our Constitution and the success they believe America has enjoyed at the expense of the rest of the world

It is not hard to visualize China and its ilk, imagining a world where America is no longer dominant. We’ve had those situations before and prevailed. For precisely that reason, our enemies changed their tactics, seeking to have us wage war against ourselves in a very Sun Tzu manner. If these were our only enemies, we’d be ok. What’s different this time is the enemy within, effectively aiding and abetting our traditional enemies by weakening our foundations. Foundations they’ve been remarkably successful at undermining. We’re having trouble seeing the trap laid before us and reacting appropriately.


From Totems to Truth: Seeking Authentic Guidance in Life:-


There should be no ambition more significant than believing in God and the requisite importance of subsuming our basest desires to serve Him. Unfortunately, God is a totem to many and a false god to millions more. What, other than God, can guide us in good times and bad? When we substitute self for service to a higher power, we are fundamentally debased and ultimately lost in a world of situational ethics. This is the world our haters want us to live in, need us to be until we destroy ourselves in a trap of our own making. We are well along in that endeavor.

In one of my old High Holy Days prayer books is a phrase that I memorized long ago as both my true North and inspiration:

The gates of prayer are sometimes open and sometimes closed, but the gates of repentance are always open

If you genuinely believe this, as I do, God’s promise to all of us, Jews, Christians, Muslims, and others, is that all of us can and must live a righteous life to the best of our ability and leave this place better than we found it, with love and respect for all. This does not mean we must suffer fools as we seem so dedicated to today. Each of us has something to contribute to society and ourselves. Whether you are an inventor who will someday come up with a cure for cancer, a caregiver who devotes your life to that of your children and husband, an individual who volunteers to help others, or someone who quietly goes about their day, contributing to all of us through their work, all are soldiers of the Lord and essential participants in an American dream a bit tattered at the moment; yet, there’s still more that you can and must do.

Respect tradition; do not tear it down. Accept that we live in an imperfect, unequal world, but one that has done so much for so many. Take your blinders off, run from false prophets that preach hate and division, and embrace the light and truth that used to be America itself.

God Bless America.

Allan J. Feifer—Patriot

Author, Businessman, Thinker, and Strategist. Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at www.1plus1equals2.com

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