by Allan J. Feifer | Aug 8, 2022 | America Blog, American Politics
Hello Fellow Patriots: Let me ask you a question. Is our form of government different today than let’s say our government 50 years ago, 100 years, or even back to our founding? Sure, it is. Our Founding Fathers would not recognize what we’ve done with their “Perfect...
by Allan J. Feifer | Aug 1, 2022 | Advanced America, America Blog
The vast majority of Americans have little interest in politics, but a great deal of interest in their daily lives. The US has historically averaged one recession every twelve years. Some of those recessions have been mild, while some have had quite a sting, but none...
by Allan J. Feifer | Jul 12, 2022 | Advanced America, America Blog
Every day I’m asked a simple question. “What has happened to our country and why?” Something to reflect on as we celebrate 246 years. It seems that I’m always answering the first part, but not really answering the second part. I’ve concentrated in my articles on the...
by Allan J. Feifer | Jul 11, 2022 | America Blog, Psychology
Two things one must understand about evil. First, while everywhere, evil is frequently hidden from our view. Second, evil is seductive and attracts those to it that may live otherwise ordinary lives. It may help us to better understand evil as some kind of cult. Those...
by Allan J. Feifer | Jun 27, 2022 | America Blog, Educating America
Today, we’ll discuss how the Living Wage movement came to be and what the laws of economics tell us about attempting to conjure out of thin air, ever higher wages decoupled from productivity. We will also talk about how socialism and communism are closely tied to this...
by Allan J. Feifer | Jun 20, 2022 | America Blog, Psychology
None of us live long enough to understand long history. Most of us are reactive rather than proactive. Every once in a while, as a direct result of not understanding history, we get our just comeuppance. If we are lucky, maybe we are only embarrassed or suffer a minor...
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