by Allan J. Feifer | Dec 12, 2022 | America Blog, American Politics
Our military should be more critical to Progressives than it is to Conservatives. Why? Our military is their primary guarantee they can rail against America without fear of retribution. We have enemies (think China) that want us defanged so that American leadership...
by Allan J. Feifer | Dec 5, 2022 | Advanced America, America Blog, Self Analysis
My first blush takeaway from the mid-terms is how disaffected so many of us are. Feeling poorer through inflation is just depressing. This includes the psychological damage felt when your loved ones are also hurting. Our society is inarguably in steep decline with no...
by Allan J. Feifer | Nov 29, 2022 | Advanced America, America Blog
Recently, the Supreme Court decided to take another look at the question of race-based Affirmative Action. The last time the court looked at the issue was back in 1978. Central to every facet of the question of manipulating who gets into colleges that employ a...
by Allan J. Feifer | Nov 21, 2022 | America Blog, Educating America
Let’s commence with a simple premise: An uneducated or undereducated American population is vulnerable on multiple levels. Our standard of living, history of peaceful coexistence, prosperity, propensity to be manipulated and more are problematic. America’s Public...
by Allan J. Feifer | Nov 14, 2022 | Advanced America, America Blog
Today’s article is a bit of a manifesto. It seeks to be a compact primer on the “big picture.” It covers a lot of ground with a minimum of detail to hold your attention and to get across a complicated subject in an understandable way. Everything we talk about could be...
by Allan J. Feifer | Nov 7, 2022 | Advanced America, America Blog
A national election is right on top of us. Since at least the 1920s, American Jews have been among the most reliable supporters of the Democratic Party, whether as a voting block or as financiers. Half of American Jews self-describe as liberal. But more tellingly,...
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