The Ungrateful Generation

The Ungrateful Generation

You can already tell by our title the direction this piece is going.  But it’s much more than just a bunch of selfish crybabies.  Today’s story is about a fundamental shift in how the country thinks and acts, whereby we have lost another critical piece of...
The Coup That Almost Was

The Coup That Almost Was

Sedition: “Incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority”—Merriam Webster Dictionary The Culture War is upon us, as real as any shooting war, and part of the conflict includes a disruption from the traditional economic structure from...
Constitutional Suicide

Constitutional Suicide

I was recently chastised for an error of omission by Reader George K., who responded to my recent AT piece “Under Wokeism, Animal Farm Comes to Life.” George wrote, “You did a great job listing the symptoms but never touched on the cause.”  He...
It Could Be True

It Could Be True

What do all of the following have in common? I have a right to practice recreational oblivion (drug use) I have a right to steal “stuff” from stores and not get prosecuted I have a right to believe my “facts” are equal to yours, and then I can...