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The Greek Priestess Cassandra’s name is employed as a rhetorical device to indicate a person whose accurate prophecies, generally of impending disaster, are not believed. Please take a moment to amalgamate all the potential disasters we face, either downplayed by our government and the elites or ignored entirely in a Cassandra-like manner.

  1. According to the latest job report, immigrants claim many native-born jobs.
  2. Journalistic Malpractice drives misinformation on vital topics.
  3. Our lack of strategic thinking drives world events into a new period of Great Powers Competition.
  4. Antisemitism in America is exploding, but why?
  5. Unprecedented attacks on our national systems are squarely aimed at conservatives and our foundational values designed to transition us to what’s next.

Our country and the world are on fire. Imagine for a moment that Homer Simpson was President of the most powerful country in the world; imagine a cartoon character at the helm of the country! Biden is an unserious person. If he ever was competent, he is no longer, and arguably, corrupt and of low intelligence—a person who has never held a private sector job and became wealthy just by being in government. Kamala Harris is another unserious individual with a 50-50 chance of replacing him, and the deciding factor is going to be the subject of abortion?  God help us all!


The Wake-Up Call: Confronting the Crisis of Unseriousness:-


Unseriousness is now an infection that afflicts many of us. The “how” of the problem is less important than the country waking up to the reality of where we are and what we will do about it. Historians will look back at the Biden/Harris administration and will note the two overriding priorities of their administration:

  1. The intentional action of opening our borders to millions of poor, uneducated, and frequently violent individuals to claim their “right” to be here. It has never explained why this is good for the country, which has led to an intentionally avoided national debate.
  2. The continuation of the Obama policies has its central purpose: massively changing our country’s priorities from self-sufficiency to dependence while fostering globalism at the expense of the individual, particularly White America.

Our nation has been divided before. Pick your era, and I’ll cite the divisions to you. However, injecting tens of millions of immigrants into our broke country fostered a myriad of other divisions as schools no longer teach to level in many parts of the country, healthcare systems are overrun, and housing becomes unaffordable for millions, leading to further government intervention into our policy-making creating intentional distortions.

The support for my five bullets:

1- Immigrants Claiming American Jobs and the Growth of Government:-


According to NPR, The foreign-born workforce has grown rapidly over the last year, adding 1.4 million workers, while the native-born workforce shrank by nearly 600,000. Factories cut 7,000 jobs in September, although factory employment is still higher than just before the pandemic, by 137,000 jobs.

According to the Labor Department, employment in government continued its upward trend in September (+31,000).  Government hiring is responsible for an average monthly gain of 45,000 jobs over the last year. Over the month, employment continued to trend up in local government (+16,000) and state government (+13,000).

2- Journalistic Malpractice:-


I found this gem explaining today’s activist journalism through a friend’s Doctoral study titled Social Awakening.

“This study finds the progressive-leaning journalists, journalism educators, and other thought leaders of the time gave primacy—through the aegis of the “Social Awakening”—to the expanding responsibilities of news to society.”

How broadly Social Awakening has been adopted can no longer be questioned, as we all have witnessed activist Presidential Debates play out in a highly unfair manner.

3- Confrontation on the World Stage:-


People are dying in Israel, Lebanon, Ukraine, and dozens of other places all over the world, with journalists ignoring the carnage they don’t care as much about.  Violent political instability is not new.  What is new is that for the first time since the Nazi Axis of WWII, nations are joining coalitions designed not simply for economic motives but in support of world conquest.  China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and some smaller satellites see an opportunity in the instability created by the American withdrawal from the world, exploiting the divisions among our people, which preclude unity of thought and, ultimately, necessary reactions to obvious threats.

4- Antisemitism:-


20% of Americans now have antisemitic views.  This is a sharp increase from prior years.  Why?  The two obvious factors are an education system that teaches a combination of misinformation and fails our children educationally, who no longer can think critically.  The other factor is the tyranny of equality (Equity) pushed by our government and media that takes the wrong side of a foundational moral issue.  55% of Americans disapprove of Israel’s conduct in Gaza.  Tested phraseologies like “indiscriminate bombing,” “dead children,” and “starvation” are the standard word salad of journalism today.  The uneducated rely on their shiny screens to tell them the truth, which are frequently lies.  With no understanding of the history, issues, or the possibility of annihilation it faces, Israel had no choice except to fight.  Like in Animal Farm’s “Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad” admonishment, today’s unified journalism drives the message that Israel is an aggressor colonial occupying power.

5- Destroying our national identity


Biden, Harris, Obama, and all those other progressives want you to reject our foundational beliefs. In fact, they depend on it to obtain their objectives. They don’t want our military to be strong and deadly; they don’t believe in absolute truths and chafe at a Constitution that limits their power and the changes they wish to make. Turmoil, chaos, and misinformation are their handmaidens, allowing them to hide their true motives.

Our only saving grace is that we have Trump waiting in the wings, who rejects all of it and has the strength of purpose that will not see him back down. With God’s thumb on the scale, we’ll see a miracle unfold that will draw us back from the brink, reclaim our country, and save the world. Should we wish for anything less?

God bless America.

Allan J. Feifer—Patriot

Author, Businessman, Thinker, and Strategist. Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at www.1plus1equals2.com

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