


Conservatives tend to get their news from traditional sources like TV, print, and conservative websites. Libs, Progressives, and others tend to like PBS, The Washington Post, and other, more liberal social media. The extremes on both sides find their happy places at...

America’s Progressive Death Cult

America’s Progressive Death Cult

If today's title sounds like an oxymoron, it's not meant to be. Progressive activists have interchangeable names, whether Liberals, Leftists, Socialists, Marxists, Communists, or whatever identification you substitute. There are many names, but only one essential...

Time to Pull the Fire Alarm?

Time to Pull the Fire Alarm?

And I'm not talking about Representative Bowman, who actually and knowingly committed a crime when he pulled a fire alarm in the Capital to stall a vote of the US Congress, yet received a mere slap on the hand, not at all reminiscent or equivalent to the extreme...

Suicide by IDF

Suicide by IDF

With the war back on, it is imperative to understand Hamas's endgame is not to beat the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on the battlefield in Gaza; instead, they seek for the world to see and believe that Israel is annihilating innocent Gazans. Why? To create scenes of...



Elon Musk tossed the proverbial hand grenade into the politely liberal Jewish mindset when he responded to a post from @breakingbaht, which read: "Jewish communities [sic] have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want...

A Balkanized America

A Balkanized America

America is fundamentally different than most other countries. And, contrary to widely held and promulgated belief, diversity is not always a strength; it can and does retard America's growth and aggravate fractures that underlie our country. Internal disagreement...

Resolve and Collective Punishment

Resolve and Collective Punishment

When I was very young, my brother or I left the gate open, and the dog got out. I remember being punished with my brother since no one fessed up. When I attended summer camp, someone intentionally stopped up a toilet. All of us were restricted until the culprit...

Pink Flamingo

Pink Flamingo

A Pink Flamingo describes a predictable event, or series of events, ignored through the collective cognitive bias of leadership, trapped in their thinking by their embedded institutional dogma. It differs from Black Swan events, which generally come out of nowhere and...