
How the Grand Old Party Might Come to an End

How the Grand Old Party Might Come to an End

You only get a certain number of swings when you are at bat. The Republican Party is at bat and badly missing the ball. That's according to millions of people who just see the Party stepping in it most of the time. It is not enough to try and do the right thing; you...

The UN and BRICS Work in Tandem to Weaken Us

The UN and BRICS Work in Tandem to Weaken Us

Just something else Democrats and Republicans are diametrically apart on is the value of the UN to America. With China and Russia having veto power within the UN's Security Council, we are subject to the tender mercies of countries that will stop at nothing to harm...

When Tyrants Feel Unconstrained

When Tyrants Feel Unconstrained

Why is it that we never seem to learn essential lessons that result in our best and brightest becoming so much cannon fodder by not understanding how to stop dictators and foreign wars before it is too late? Over the next year or two, the West will likely be forced to...

Is it Safe to Fly?

Is it Safe to Fly?

The government heavily regulates aviation. We used to understand that every piece of knowledge gained was written in blood after something went wrong. We are losing that understanding. See if you agree with me as you read along. Dateline—on January 5th, 2024, an...

Props, Pawns, and Shiny Things

Props, Pawns, and Shiny Things

It seems each day, there is yet another something that makes me shake my head in disbelief, outrage, or fear that we've crossed some line from which there is no return. Do you also have that feeling? If so, this article is for you. Instead of being filled with many...

Dutiful Obedience

Dutiful Obedience

140 Nigerian Christians were killed around Christmas by Muslims carrying out the commandments of Allah as required by the Quran. In this ABC story, the fact that they were Christians was not mentioned until the sixth paragraph. Being an American should mean I have the...

America Surrenders

America Surrenders

In the last three years, we've seen several new progressive-promoted narratives for how we should live our lives. These drivers are steering us in the direction of how we are to live, work, and play. It's as if our society has had a massive overhaul late one night...

Where Are the White Supremacists?

Where Are the White Supremacists?

America leads the free world in technology, finance, and, unfortunately, negative social mores. In recent years, we have been the poster child for a great nation transitioning to a shadow of its former self. This has been caused by deliberately poisoning our society...

America’s Entitled Slackers

America’s Entitled Slackers

Two kinds of America exist today. Mine is the land of our founding Fathers and our rich and consequential history that led us to become the undisputed leader of the free world. That another America is a debased version, aligned with the wildly popular and...