America Surrenders
In the last three years, we've seen several new progressive-promoted narratives for how we should live our lives. These drivers are steering us in the direction of how we are to live, work, and play. It's as if our society has had a massive overhaul late one night...
Where Are the White Supremacists?
America leads the free world in technology, finance, and, unfortunately, negative social mores. In recent years, we have been the poster child for a great nation transitioning to a shadow of its former self. This has been caused by deliberately poisoning our society...
America’s Entitled Slackers
Two kinds of America exist today. Mine is the land of our founding Fathers and our rich and consequential history that led us to become the undisputed leader of the free world. That another America is a debased version, aligned with the wildly popular and...
What Three Elite University Presidents Say About Who and Where We Are — the aftermath.
You don't see too many "The Emperor Has No Clothes" moments play out on national television. The Left is ordinarily smart, focused, and extremely wary of you actually hearing (and, in this case, seeing) what they stand for. There was the obvious message visible for...
Conservatives tend to get their news from traditional sources like TV, print, and conservative websites. Libs, Progressives, and others tend to like PBS, The Washington Post, and other, more liberal social media. The extremes on both sides find their happy places at...
The Devil is in Control of America’s Microphone
The Nazi rise to power was an aberration in world history. Or was it? Based on recent events, is it impossible to believe we could be re-living 1938 Germany's past? Could we see another Kristallnacht occur in America at any moment? Our country is visibly in free fall,...
America’s Progressive Death Cult
If today's title sounds like an oxymoron, it's not meant to be. Progressive activists have interchangeable names, whether Liberals, Leftists, Socialists, Marxists, Communists, or whatever identification you substitute. There are many names, but only one essential...
Time to Pull the Fire Alarm?
And I'm not talking about Representative Bowman, who actually and knowingly committed a crime when he pulled a fire alarm in the Capital to stall a vote of the US Congress, yet received a mere slap on the hand, not at all reminiscent or equivalent to the extreme...
Suicide by IDF
With the war back on, it is imperative to understand Hamas's endgame is not to beat the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on the battlefield in Gaza; instead, they seek for the world to see and believe that Israel is annihilating innocent Gazans. Why? To create scenes of...
Elon Musk tossed the proverbial hand grenade into the politely liberal Jewish mindset when he responded to a post from @breakingbaht, which read: "Jewish communities [sic] have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want...
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