
North Korea is China’s Proxy

North Korea is China’s Proxy

Why should we care about North Korea; that's a question many will ask. Our world is full of flashpoints. There are so many that it is difficult to focus on the ones that matter at any particular cross-section of time. This is where average Americans stop reading. In a...

Harmonic Convergence in the Middle East?

Harmonic Convergence in the Middle East?

Few people I know trust our government to be truthful. The reasons can certainly be debated, but not the reality of the level of intentional deceit perpetrated against us by our leaders. Perhaps the greatest lie of consequence is an executive-level decision by our...

Russia is Destabilizing

Russia is Destabilizing

The recent collapse of Syria provides stark evidence that our intelligence apparatus doesn't know everything and, conversely, can't be counted on to provide reliable, actionable advice early enough to avoid surprises. You might believe that while our multiple...

The Vanishing Producers Among Us

The Vanishing Producers Among Us

Almost anywhere in the world I've been, there are three prevailing themes I hear over and over: Americans were known to be the most industrious and hard-working people they'd ever seen Wherever Americans went, they brought opportunity and change to those places...

Secondary Effects

Secondary Effects

Trump's Wild Bunch returning to power signals not just a change in leadership but a focus on substance over style. Trump's first term had a steep learning curve, and it showed. We could be forgiven if we use his first-term performance as a gauge to measure what to...

Trump’s Leaderboard

Trump’s Leaderboard

In a competition, a leaderboard is: A board showing the ranking of leaders Next to watching paint dry, watching the ins and outs of government unfold is a close second. That's precisely how the deep state likes it: deep, murky, and inscrutable. Of course, that's the...

Hot Wash

Hot Wash

Donald Trump just won one of the most consequential elections of all time. What he does next will determine if he can fix the systemic issues that have dogged our country for the last fifty years. A hotwash is the immediate "after-action" discussions and evaluations...