
Root Cause Race Analysis Delivers an Answer to our Race Fixation
A reader told me, "My head hurts when I read your pieces!" I thought, "Good! You're thinking for yourself now." To a certain extent, writers are prisoners of a requirement to share stories that are either unique, new or put a different spin on something you thought...

`Grand Canyon of Difference
In time, we'll learn how our country's political foibles play out. Will the United States remain a recognizable semblance of the greatness it once possessed, or not? Measured from when we were at our peak to where we are now, there's a Grand Canyon of difference. ....

Sometime in the late 70s or early 80s, I had the opportunity to work in Senegal, Africa, for several months. My very first experience in-country was that the rental vehicle wouldn't start. While the friendly and talkative mechanic was repairing the jeep, he inquired...

How Deep State Destroyers For Bases Threaten Your Life
Think of the thousands of people working like diabolical ants so we can be reborn in their diabolical image. They have a secret weapon they employ against us. By tearing up the railroad tracks, burning bridges, and putting sugar in our gas tanks, they plan to ensure...

Make it Go Away
Some of my friends think Biden has been a punching bag for Conservatives, while others can't believe how much Biden gets away with. Since both can't be true, which is it? Biden may be the least transparent President in history, although he claims to the contrary. ...

The Perversion of Self Respect
Should self-respect be automatic or earned? Today, we will look closely at what happened to two generations taught self-respect shouldn't need to be earned. And, in the process, begin to understand the damage that has been wrought by ill-considered or even...

Blue v. Red States—Who Will Survive?
We witness long-standing fractures along our political lines, much like the fixed battle lines of old. Talk has begun in some circles about the continued viability of Blue states that grow little food and have vast numbers of non-producers plundering resources. Some...

The Ungrateful Generation
You can already tell by our title the direction this piece is going. But it's much more than just a bunch of selfish crybabies. Today's story is about a fundamental shift in how the country thinks and acts, whereby we have lost another critical piece of what made us...

What Happened to the “Passion of the People”?
Where has our passion gone? On the left, our children and many adults no longer seem to possess great passion for America. On the right, their emotions seem to be little more than rage and impotence masquerading as passion. Depression has set in on the right, but...

The Coup That Almost Was
Sedition: "Incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority"—Merriam Webster Dictionary The Culture War is upon us, as real as any shooting war, and part of the conflict includes a disruption from the traditional economic structure from which we've...
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