Does America Have an Endpoint?

Does America Have an Endpoint?

It’s been a great ride. When you just focus on the accomplishments of our nation, the broadly shared wealth, opportunity, and well-being created, you just won’t find another story to rival America’s. Today, I won’t utter one word of derision or explain away any faults...
The Fourth World

The Fourth World

In modern history, First World nations are described as mostly democratic/capitalist countries that are politically aligned with NATO and the United States. Second World nations refer to Communist countries politically aligned with the now-defunct Soviet Union, now...
The Good Guys

The Good Guys

Hello Fellow Patriots: One of the joys of wide distribution of my musings is the people I get to meet. The other day, two of my readers, while in general agreement with my writings, pointed out, and I’ll paraphrase, “there’s no going back to the good old days”. Where...
War Warning

War Warning

Hello Fellow Patriots: Last week we focused on the China threat from an economic and political perspective. This week, we’ll attempt to peer into the mind of President Xi and forecast his intentions; not an easy task. It’s difficult for peace-loving Americans to...
China Syndrome

China Syndrome

Hello Fellow Patriots: Remember the movie “The China Syndrome”? Well, we’re not discussing that kind of nuclear meltdown today. But instead, we are discussing another kind of meltdown…economic. Most realize that China has eaten our lunch. But what most don’t know is...


Hello Fellow Patriots: Let me ask you a question. Is our form of government different today than let’s say our government 50 years ago, 100 years, or even back to our founding? Sure, it is. Our Founding Fathers would not recognize what we’ve done with their “Perfect...