They Want Your Privilege

They Want Your Privilege

I’ve learned the secret of our enemy’s strategy. Progressives detest our moral fiber, our humanity, self-sufficiency, individuality, everything that’s good about the American system of Capitalism, every intact family, and anyone who believes in being...
Seven Minutes to Armageddon

Seven Minutes to Armageddon

Last week at the debate, America saw the real Joe Biden, not the made-up facsimile his puppet masters want you to believe is the real Biden, first cousin to the Energizer Bunny. If this article doesn’t scare you, I doubt anything will. Imagine that Biden is...
The Monstrous Lie of White Privilege

The Monstrous Lie of White Privilege

There are errors of omission and errors of commission. When an error rises to the level of intentional misleading, we call it a lie. The unassailableness of a concept (like progressive overuse of the term ‘settled science’) of widely held White Privilege...
Two Futures—Forward Casting

Two Futures—Forward Casting

Most of us cannot evaluate equivocal information, which is necessary to form reliable conclusions. It is essential to project future trends and events—forward casting, as I call it. In ancient times, we read the entrails of some poor beast or threw a roll of old bones...