Digital Lice

Digital Lice

America is infested with what I term digital lice, the deliberate actions by individuals designed to misdirect and divide our country, leading to why so many people are grossly misinformed on simple issues. It is their end game to keep average Americans from making...
Terms of Engagement

Terms of Engagement

Most everyone has heard the meme, “He who controls the agenda controls the meeting.” Acknowledging that we can understand ultimate power would be controlling the words and language everyone uses or finding themselves ostracized. No matter how false or...
America’s New Ice Age

America’s New Ice Age

Ukrainian President Zelensky’s self-inflicted televised Oval Office execution on February 28th marks a watershed moment in America’s New Ice Age history. A sea change in American policy and direction was revealed to millions of Americans looking on since...
The Rule of Law Depends on Whose Wielding It

The Rule of Law Depends on Whose Wielding It

Think of what the country just went through as government malpractice. America just survived a near-death experience under Biden. We’re thrilled the patient survived, but the scars and pain are still fresh and painful. There is lasting damage that cannot be...